The Conference delivered Christmas presents along with a frozen turkey to two single mothers and their families. This is the second year the St. Rose SVDP Conference has helped a needy family at Christmas.
The St. Rose of Lima St. Vincent de Paul Conference continued with its Homeless Support Program with a collection of hooded sweatshirts for use by Family Services in their homeless/needy programs. Parish members from St. Rose, St. John, and St. Patrick donated slightly worn and new hooded sweatshirts towards this worthy cause. The collection ran during the month of November, and St. Patrick’s collection was extended through the middle of December.
A total of 216 sweatshirts, along with numerous hats/beanies, scarfs, and gloves were delivered to Family Services by the Conference. Close to 50 coats were also collected. Since the homeless shelter was not taking coats, only hoodies, the coats were taken to the SVDP Thrift Store where those who are in need of financial assistance can receive store vouchers for clothing. One free coat is included in that voucher. Dan Weaver, St. Rose Conference president, said, “The members of the St. Rose of Lima SVDP Conference would like say thank you to all the parish members who donated to this noble cause. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. God Bless You All! Here are some photos of the Thanksgiving Food Drive delivery to Evergreen Manor and Family Services. We estimate the value of the food collected to be $3,000. Thank you to all those who contributed to this endeavor. God Bless You!
For our third straight year, St. Rose of Lima parishioners joined the members of the Hollidaysburg Knights of Columbus in their Lenten 40 Cans for 40 Days food drive. Together we were able to collect and donate 1,730 lbs. of food and $1,000 in cash to our area food banks. Your St. Rose St. Vincent de Paul Conference would like to thank all those who contributed to this endeavor. It was a huge success! God Bless You All!
Our latest delivery of 81 care packages included:
Below is a photo of our first Care Package delivery to Family Services this year. Thank you to all who participated in this program! God Bless You!
Through the month of November, parishioners from both St. Rose and St. Patrick’s donated slightly worn and new hooded sweatshirts towards this worthy cause. A total of 119 sweatshirts, along with a few coats and numerous hats/beanies, scarfs and gloves were delivered to Family Services by the Conference.
Thank you to all the parish members who donated to this noble cause. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. God Bless You All! A few of our members delivered the food from St Rose's November Food drive to both Family Services and Evergreen Manor.
January 2025